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Sherry’s last days, one last visit


Drue contacted me one morning looking for a photographer that afternoon. She had come to visit her Mother, in her poor health she was at the end of her life, and this may be the last time Drue got to see her. She flew in her daughter from New Orleans, as well.  She told me this over the phone, and I was immediately certain that I wanted to make time in my day for this portrait session.  It spoke to me, and made me remember the time, 11 years ago, when I drove up to New York with my Mom to visit my Grandma, she was in poor health, but still self-sufficient.  The night before we left my Grandma said to me that this may be the last time I see her. I think about that last visit I had with her and I wish that we had gotten a photographer to take our photos with each other, as Drue was having me do for her and her family.

Drue also mentioned that even in her Mother’s poor health, she still looked like a supermodel.  When I arrived at our meeting location, near her Mother’s home in North Asheville, I saw Sherry for the the first time, and I said to Drue, “She DOES look like a supermodel!”  I am sure you can see from these photos, that she has a beautiful spirit shining through her, even in her last days.  It was all I could do not to burst into tears many times throughout our time together.  I was so happy to be capturing the love between this beautiful family, and especially knowing this was the last time they would see her.

I am proud and extremely happy and blessed that my job can bring families beautiful keepsakes of their loved ones, as well as a special time where I help them focus on the person in front of them, and capture their happiness and love with each other.  This portrait shoot made me so grateful that I get to do this for my job, and it is a truly rewarding experience!

It was a beautiful experience for me to be able to reflect back on my Grandmother, and the time that I got to spend with her throughout my life.  I have beautiful memories, but what I would pay to have photos of her and I like these with Drue, her daughter and her mother.

Very proud of these portraits!
